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  5. How to modify your SEF URL format in PrestaShop

How to modify your SEF URL format in PrestaShop

Step 1: Log into your PrestaShop admin dashboard.
Step 2: Using the toolbar across the top of the page, hover over the Preferences tab and then click on the SEO & URLs option from the popup menu.
Step 3: Once on the SEO & URLs page, scroll down until you get to the section labeled Schema of URLs. Although there are many fields to work with, we will work with the first one, Route to products. In our example, we will remove the ean13 number from the URL by removing the keyword tag {-:ean13}. We also will add a slash instead of a dash between the product ID and the rewrite text. To do this we enter the code in the field as {category:/}{id}/{rewrite}.html
Step 4: Once you have your desired format in place, click the green Save button in the upper right corner to save the changes. Below you can see the before and after shots for the URL formatting change.

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