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  5. How to generate a DKIM key via cPanel?

How to generate a DKIM key via cPanel?

Step 1: Log into the cPanel account with email accounts where you’d like to enable DKIM. DKIM records are tied to a domain, you each domain you email from will need its own record.
Step 2: Scroll down to Email and click on Authentication.
Step 3: On the Email Authentication page, you’ll see two different methods: DKIM and SPF.
Step 4: In the DKIM section, click Enable if DKIM is disabled.
Step 5: Once you enable DKIM, you’ll see a field that shows your current raw DKIM record. This is the public key you need to add to your DNS records. It should look something like this:

default._domainkey IN TXT “v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAyGm4KfaLQsOiNqfNGT0DDa+XE+TmIyr03F3/AMU8SXFwgItBU/PikYTmIyr07yhQoqlPrSL27l8XHf8AMIIB1LtxU2/490wRkuu9ZorEjRkIXSbev1GyAinBQNa5Rln2S8AMIIBhZzfkNw7panbVJ0HPREiZAJ5TQEX1LjTqB/nArmNaMXaRUCwmYzGY45z8″MM7Ftsj3nOTmIyr0LFSL27l8OaMDdcvpCglrFWoF1dXA78ORuvMSL27l8A5+UWRFBQ4NP6awWYj2LTSyeNeTlafawR

Step 6: Update this key in your DNS zone.

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